1: Brief Introduction Of 5052 aluminum
Aluminium / Aluminum 5052 alloy is a non-heat treatable alloy with good corrosion resistance, especially to salt water.
The following datasheet will provide more details about Aluminium / Aluminum 5052 alloy.
The machinability of Aluminium / Aluminum 5052 alloy is rated as fair. This alloy can be easily machined in hard temper
than in annealed form, and the quality of finish is better. Other than in very light cuts, all other machining should be done
using oil lubricants.
Aluminium / Aluminum 5052 alloy can be easily formed at room temperature. However, consecutive cold working tends to
reduce the alloy's formability
Welding can be easily performed on Aluminium / Aluminum 5052 alloy using conventional methods. In case a filler rod is
needed, it should be Aluminium / Aluminum 5356 alloy as filler. The most suitable welding methods are tungsten or
consumable electrode inert gas shielded arc welding.
Aluminium / Aluminum 5052 alloy can be forged from 510°C (950°F) down to 260°C (500°F).
Hot Working:
Aluminium / Aluminum 5052 alloy can be hot worked easily from 510°C (950°F) down to 260°C (500°F).
Cold Working:
Aluminium / Aluminum 5052 alloy is easy to cold work. It can be formed by spinning and drawing. Depending on the extent
of spinning, annealing may be required intermediately.
Aluminium / Aluminum 5052 alloy can be annealed at 343°C (650°F) and then air cooled.
Aluminium / Aluminum 5052 alloy can be hardened by cold working only.
Aluminium / Aluminum 5052 alloy is used in the manufacture of the following products:
Milk crates
Hydraulic tubes
Kitchen cabinets
Small boats home freezers
Aircraft tube
This alloy is also used widely in sheet metal work and in sheet metal parts.
2: Chemical Composition

Aluminum Grades:
1000 series: 1035,1040,1050,1060,1070,1080,1090,1098,1100,1230,1435,1260,1170,1275,1285,1385
2000 series: 2001,2002,2011,2014,2017,2117,2218,2519,2024,2224,2025,2030,2031,2036,2090,2091
3000 series: 3002,3003,3004,3103,3203,3303,3105,3006,3007,3107,3008,3009,3015,3016
5000 series: 5005,5205,5006,5010,5013,5014,5016,5017,5040,5043,5050,5150,5251,5351,5451,5052,5083
6000 series: 6101,6201,6003,6103,6105,6205,6006,6106,6110,6061,6060,6063,6863,6081,6082,6162,6863
7000 series: 7001,7003,7005,7108,7129,7146,7050,7472,7075,7076,7277,7178,7278,7091,7277
8000 series: 8001,8004,8006,8011,8111,8014,8030,8130,8177,8079,8081,8280,8091
Aluminum Temper:
The aluminum industry has created a system using a four-digit numerical designation to identify wrought aluminum alloys.
The first digit indicates the major alloying element. The second digit indicates whether there was a modification in the basic
alloy. The third and fourth digit indicates the specific alloy. The following represent the various groups:
1XXX | Aluminum 99% or greater |
2XXX | Copper - major alloying element |
3XXX | Manganese - major alloying element |
5XXX | Magnesium - major alloying element |
6XXX | Magnesium and silicon - major alloying elements |
7XXX | Zinc -major alloying element |

4: Aluminum Alloy Plate/Flat Sheet Package

5: Company Introduction